Renew Deck & Fence - Sept Savings!

Renew Deck & Fence - September Savings Issue!!

If your getting this email, You’ve done business with us before and we can’t thank you enough! You have literally made the dream of working for our community a reality for over 15 years!!

This one I’m excited for! Not only are you going to get some great insider tips to savings this September. We have some cool products to share with you!

First off September Savings!! We love to give back, so if you have some work needing done before winter, getting on the schedule is key, and doing it now is a great time. You’ll get 15% off your bill plus return customer discount! Now that’s a package deal of savings that’s hard to resist! Click here to get started!

Tips to Save:

Cleaning and Maintenance - They do say, preventative maintenance is key, and that is definitely true when it comes to a beautiful wooden structure that was just cleaned perfect and stained to last. Annual cleaning is a great way to keep costs down but you can do this yourself as well. Keeping dirt and midlew washed away helps maintain the stain dexterity along with keeping the wood clean. Imagine sand on your feet from the beach, or whole bunch of people with sandy feet running across your deck! That would do some damage, well over time with all the dirt, debri from trees and our yards, it’s almost like that. This can wear down the stain and wood, so keeping your deck washed and clean is a great way to save.

  • Dont buy expensive cleaners and brighteners - 1/10 mix of bleach to water does the trick! They sell all sorts of deck mildew cleaners or home mildew cleaners. Get a pump sprayer and put ¼ cup bleach in there and then fill it up. You have a ready made deck and house mildew cleaner

  • Gutter Cleaning: Clear out gutters and downspouts to prevent clogs and water damage. This is especially important before fall leaves start to accumulate. Get Gutter Gaurds or Screens- We see these alot and not every gutter needs them, but the ones that do…well give them a shot and not only save money in the long run from hiring gutter cleaners, like us! but saves from damage that debri can cause to your gutters and facia. Something you don’t want to deal with when the temps hit low.

Hey… Did you know we got a new website? Please check it out and let us know what you think or if anything is missing. We’d love hear your feedback! Just click the link below!

When it comes to saving energy and outdoor lighting, check out these new Solar Deck lights that come highly recommended from a few of our customers. This saves direct line hookup to lighing and no more timers. Plus they are sleek and super easy to install. If you need help, I think you know who to call.

There are many Variations but just wanted to share because I keep seeing them and I thought they are amazing to throw on a newsletter! Click here or on the pic and it will take you to the page!

Check us out on Instagram and give us a follow…it’d be fun! 😄 

Youtube - What a way to learn, laugh and get lost for hours 😆 On our page, we’re going to be having tips and how to videos coming soon. So be sure to check them out. We also have videos of past jobs, before and after pics and vids, check them out and see if your deck or fence made it in!

Renew Deck and Fence - Keeping the streets of L.S clean one dixie cup at a time!

Thank you from all of us here at Renew Deck and Fence!

816-554-0759 📲 email: [email protected]